
January 15, 2025

Please read your weekly school and classroom newsletters to stay current!

Our school sends a weekly newsletter as do most teachers for their respective classes. Please check your email to stay current on Emmaus school events.

God's Blessings

February 14, 2022

SGO Reminder

All Emmaus families that do not receive a School Choice Scholarship (voucher) may apply for a Tax Credit Scholarship (SGO). Please be sure to review the income requirements listed on the web site. If a SGO is received this year and income does not increase significantly, the student may be eligible for a voucher for the upcoming school year.

Families desiring a Tax Credit Scholarship (SGO) for their student(s) should:
1. Go online to
2. Go to upper right hand menu and click on For Schools.
3. If you already have an account, enter the Sign-In information. If you do not have an account, click on Create New Account and follow the instructions.
4. Once an application has been submitted, Emmaus must verify the information and approve the application.
5. Once Emmaus has verified and approved the application, it is sent to the SGO for final review.
6. Parents must complete an additional application at FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment at to determine need.
7. Once approved by the SGO, and need determined by FACTS, the application will be marked ‘approved’ and the school will notify the parent of the amount of the award.

September 22, 2015

Join us on FACEBOOK

We want to connect all of our parents to activities and events during the school day as much as possible.  Event announcements and pictures of our students engaged in a wide variety of activities on our school Facebook page.  These could be special activities or just normal parts of the school day.  You are encouraged to visit the page often.  Just search for Emmaus Lutheran School & Preschool on Facebook.